• Soil is no Dirty Word

    The Courier Mt Barker wrote a story in the March 30th Publication featuring a recent open day at our Brinkley Depot. read the article here: The Courier - march 30th 2016_Soil is no dirty Word
  • Peat’s Radio Ads

      Keep an ear out for our new ads on Radio 5MU commenced on 16/3/16. If you are not sure how Peats can help your agricultural/horticultural or viticultural business, get in touch with us today! Listen to the ads below. [audio mp3="
  • 生物柴油 – 未来的选择

    Originally published on Big Rigs, 28th October 2015 - Click here to view 位于南澳洲的企业Peats Soil已完成了其自主研发的生物柴油提炼系统。该系统能通过特定的工艺流程从由食品加工厂收集而来的污水中提炼出有效成分从而生产生物质柴油
  • island
  • Waste management on Warraber Island

    The Torres Strait is an archipelago of small and geographically isolated islands spread over more than 35,000km2 between the northern tip of Australia and the southern borders of Papua New Guinea. Of the 17 inhabited islands 14 are locally governed by Torres Strait Island Regional Council (TSIRC).